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CB Water Utilities RainSoft no money refund from rainsoft!

RainSoft review: no money refund from rainsoft! 49

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Re: RainSoft

Another month has gone by and still no one from Rain Soft / Discovery Marketing and Distributing, Inc., has called me back or made an appointment to install the system; nor has there been a refund of my
money which, after 6 months of unsuccessful installation attempts, is all I am asking for (plus the cookware and the free under-sink filter, and the repair of my irrigation system and well).

On April 10, 2006, I agreed to pay $5,000.00 for a Rain Soft water softening system, an air conditioner filter, and under-sink water filter. Refer 5 people. I did. I have not gotten the Cookware as promised. Buy one, get one free under-sink-filter - not gotten, either. FALSE advertising!

The first attempt to install the main system resulted in:

1. Broken irrigation lines, valves and wiring in 2 of 4 zones, at one location near my house.

2. Further digging in another attempt to install the unit near my house resulted in uprooting protective fencing just underground that kept puppies from digging up any wiring along the pool area. The twisted
wire fence is still exposed, with potential danger of my dogs breaking a leg, if the dozen or more rocks and stepping stones move, that I placed on the corners and on the sides.

3. On April 28, 2006, Generous Electric of Lake County installed some kind of receptacle and/or plug-in at my well pump. Either they or Discovery Marketing installers broke the hasp for opening the wooden protective covering of the pump switches and the cover for the well controls was missing, as well as no plate for the receptacle, allowing ants and wasps to build nests on my equipment and contacts. A Discovery Marketing representative was here, later that same day (such fast service) to collect their money.

4. A couple weeks after the initial installation, I noticed that my plants were dying. Within minutes after the timer started one of the 4 zones, the well kept shutting down, resulting in no water period anywhere on my property. I found that two of the 4 zones did not come on at all, and the 2 that were left were watering my acreage with softened water, as were my kennel runs that I rinse every day (reduced pressure). NOT. I asked Discovery Marketing to take the unit off my well, since I did not want to pay for salt to remove minerals as it watered my lawn and flowers and trees. Sago palms, magnolia trees, and rose bushes have either died, lost leaves, or turned brown.

A professional irrigation man came out to investigate my irrigation system problems; and since NO ONE has been near my system, except Rain Soft, it was in his professional opinion that the missing 2 zones were a result of the first day when your installers tore up my rock-yard, (covered in 8" of rock) broke the wiring on one zone, and recapped a second zone so close that the valve could not be reconnected. How could Mr. Robert Jones say the broken wires and PVC were pre-existing, when everything worked perfectly, before Rain Soft dug up my yard?

5. The under-sink filter fell off the wall, flooding my house, damaging furniture and rugs in my den, kitchen, and carpet in the adjacent dining room, and water-stain on the wooden floor under the sink. Discovery Marketing sent another installer to mount it back on the wall with longer screws. Discovery Marketing also agreed to replace the under sink floor that is water stained and warped.

After several failed attempts on the part of different installers, Discovery Marketing has not found a way, in over 6 months, to install the unit. I talked to Jason Spinney once, but although others said he was on another line, he did not return my later calls to reschedule the installation or pay the damages to my irrigation system which I had to hire someone to fix. I have repeatedly tried to talk to this man, but he was not available. After 6 months, I feel I should get my money back and damages incurred by your company. My attorney told me not to waste my time calling any more, but document the facts, give you one last chance to refund my money, or I will contact the Better Business Bureau, the TV and radio stations, and go to court to recover my losses.


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K Finn
Punta Gorda, US
May 19, 2011 5:58 pm EDT

$12, 000 for the system and still have to buy bottled water. Still have to buy salt and hydrogen peroxide for the system. The promise of all your soap and shampoo and detergents for life was delivered ONCE after we had asked about it for a year. Four years later I am still waiting for a second delivery. Required through customer service, apparently they are still looking into it after several months I have heard nothing from them.

So many installation problems I will not bore you with. Many, many followup problems. So many, "Oh by the way, you have to maintenance.

We bought this system thinking there was much less maintenance than the system we had. LOL

All the freebies were worthless, I threw out the paperwork for them because it was only taking up space in my files.

Do Not deal with this company.

Kara K Finn 05/19/2011

, US
Apr 20, 2011 7:32 pm EDT

I received a phone call from someone I though was from Home Depot. They asked what time I was going to be home and I set up an appointment to have someone show up between 6-630. She showed up at 7pm. I was under the impression this was a 'water test' not a presentation. When she got there she asked to use MY cell phone to call her boss to tell her she was there. I asked the lady how long it would take and she said half an hour. Well she finally left my house at 8pm. The only reason I got her out of my house so soon was that I said I am going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and was looking to get rid of debt not gain more. I asked how much it would cost and she said "well, if you are spending $50 a month on soaps, cleaners and cleansers we can find you something comprable to that price". I don't spend that much money a month, I maybe spend $10. I asked her if the interest rate was and she told me that if I got a Home Depot card I could get 6 mo. no interest. I told her I already have a Lowe's card and she was like "well you can get this one too". Uh, no thanks lady. Then I told her I have to submit a request to my HOA to get anything installed outside the walls of my home and she said "well, we would install it in your crawl space, not outside" and I told her that even then I would have to get approval. She was insisting she knew how HOA's work and I had to tell her that that is not how mine works. I admit, the water from our tap looked gross but I am not willing to pay that much money for something that's just going to give me possible problems in the future. All water issues are dealt with by the HOA anyway, I don't have to do anything. She was all nice and friendly until she realized I was not buying. I also asked her why they didn't tell me it was going to take an hour and she said "what did they tell you?" I told her they told me it was a brief test and I also said I wanted to go to the gym and that's why I scheduled it so early. She's like, well you can still go. I was so frustrated. She kept saying that I needed clean water. Sorry, I have lived how many years with the water unpurified. I think I'll be ok. I do my research before I buy something this expensive. I am a single woman and I don't need to buy things I don't need and I think this product is one thing I do not need. Maybe other people do but not this girl!

Phelan, US
Jul 12, 2010 11:40 pm EDT

Make a claim against Your homeowners insurance. Let them pay for the proper repairs and allow them to collect from the bond Rainsoft is required to maintain to do business. I wonder if they have a contractors license to do this kind of work?

Public Servant #1
Jacksonville Beach, US
Mar 26, 2010 8:34 pm EDT

I was approached several times at Home Depot about having my water tested. Finally I gave in, which was the first mistake I made. The Rainsoft salesman requested that my wife be home for the sales presentation. After the presentation I was offered a unit at an extremely high price. ($6500.00) We told him that it was WAY out of our price range. I know our water is bad, but i never thought it would cost this much to purify it. The salesman threw in (free) coupons for all sorts of things and soaps and explained how this 6500 dollar investment would actually pay off quickly in food savings and clothing and pipes and so forth and so on. He then made a calculation and told us that we could pay on (installments) of $168/mth. My wife looked at me and said, i think we can afford that. So we told the salesman we would take the system. We very quickly signed some paperwork, and he took personal information that I assumed was so that the company could run a credit check or something in that nature to assure i would be able to repay the amount over the period of time.
I couldn't sleep for two nights and finally i called the company and i told them i couldn't afford the system. $6500 is just too much. The sales rep not quoting him, told me in so many words, questioned whether i was concerned about the health of my family. He hard sold me on a unit that would cost $4800 and the payments would be 124/mth, which i thought was still very expensive, but reasonable. I thought i could swing that.

When the installer came that day, he did not bring the less expensive (mechanical) unit, he only brought the $6500 unit, probably betting i would not notice and then refuse to change it out once it was installed. They had someone bring over the $4800 unit with the addendum to the original (contract). He installed the unit and i asked him if he had the contract or any financial paperwork, because i have not seen one thing since the salesman was here. He told me i should contact A+B marketing and then will send that stuff over. The QA rep would be here in 3 days (go figure).

So the QA rep calls me to schedule an appointment to test my water to assure the system is working properly. I told him that i need him to bring the financial papers and contract with him, because i still have not seen what i was supposed to pay and when and how. You get it? He tells me, " you haven't seen what your paying or any other paperwork?" Anyway, after he does a water test on his own company's system, he tells me my water is great! (Go figure). He then gives me the "Americana 3" coupon packet, which they claimed would save me all kinds of money... Two problems, its all saving on total garbage that i would never buy, and the process in which you receive your money, or rebate is so arduous, it would be a waste of time sitting in front of a (fax) machine sending who knows what to who knows who. I told the QA rep this, and he tells me, yea, its basically made that way so it hard to do, so people don't even bother. (Good thing he's not in sales!) He may be the only honest guy working there. Poor guy has to go to people's homes and deal with what i would imagine victim after victim. After asking him, he slides me the financial paperwork and i see the cost of the unit, $4800.00 @ 18% interest, with a finance charge of $2560.00. I just about lost it. I told the guy that i didn't ever agree to this. I don't even have credit cards, my wife and i pay everything in cash, even our cars, so what makes you think i would ever agree to pay an 18% interest rate on a water filter? I told him to call his company and tell them I want to cancel the system and they can come and take it back and some other poor sucker can have it installed in his house. The QA guy leaves and i'm on my way to Home Depot to talk to the manager. I told him the situation and he assured me that Home Depot would take the hit if this not pan out. They have had problems with outsourcing in the past. I told him this company has predatory solicitors in their store and i'm suprised Home Depot hadn't done more research. I left feeling better, as i like Home Depot. It is a great store, and if they can help me through this nightmare, i will only have more great things to say about them and I will obviously continue to shop there.

I never received a call from A+B marketing, so I called them. I talked to the same hard selling salesman that dogged me into the unit I actually folded on. I was on the phone with him for a good hour debating about this, while he continued to try to convince me that i needed this product. I definitely insulted his company and he was quite upset, as i am quite upset that they are going around trying to swindle money out of people's pockets. So now i'm paying almost $7, 700 for thing with a 52% interest charge! So if you break that down, i'm overpaying for the unit, plus, i'm buying soap and coupons on a high interest credit card! I'm getting 10% off Uncle Bens rice at 18% interest! WTF! I'm buying laundry detergent on 18% credit! Oh yea, i almost forgot, its "all natural". Anyway, he told me he would talk to the owner and do some research into what happened and talk to the sales rep. I told the guy, really, think about it. 3 days after the install, after finally seeing paperwork and financial documentation, i want to cancel, and not before? What does he think i did, bottle up a thousand gallons of Rainsoft water and sell it all for profit?Now i want to swindle them by returning the unit? Come on! He tells me he will call me back within 20 minutes.

An hour later, the same sleezeball sales rep actually returns my call and tells me that i did sign something having to do with getting credit and so forth. No *&^% I did, what company would put anyone on an installment plan without first checking to see if I could actually pay down the unit? Of course i signed that stuff. The only catch, and he admitted it, was that there is no paperwork saying anything about 18% interest, nor did the salesman mention it, and the 60 months they claim i agreed to, was the 60 months they told me they would give me the super soaps. I never signed any agreement stating that i would pay a finance charge of 52% of the cost of the unit or 18% on anything. He tells me that that owner doesn't want to remove the filter because it is considered used... Wait a minute, this thing is teh Rolls Royce of water filters with a Lifetime Guarantee, what is 3 days of minimal use going to do? You have got to be kidding me!

Now i am waiting to hear from them and i will post the outcome of that. I told the manager of Home Depot that if they can help me get rid of this curse, i will buy a system from them that same day. I hope Home depot pulls through. Thanks for reading this post. i trusted this company because they were sourced out by one of the most reputable companies in the world. Do not get tied up in this nightmare like i did. I am not a water expert, so i can't really speak for the actual legitimacy of the water filter itself, but i will say this: Stay away from these guys... They are predators and they target you and your consideration for your family's well being. Look at all of these other complaints on the internet and customer reviews from other sites... These people don't practice business like Americans. They practice business like Arabs. The reason people all over the world want to do business with the US is because we honor the deal. When we shake hands, that's it, people fell good about there experience and the product and service they're getting, and the provider should feel like he's made a fair and reasonable profit for his risk and hard work. This is not an example of this. These people, Rainsoft, A+B Marketing, etc., are doing what ever they can to make a buck in these poor economic times, even if that means dogging you and leaving you out to dry, like they are trying to do to me and my neighbor. Don't allow them to ruin America's reputation and your financial status.

Porterville, US
Mar 16, 2010 9:45 pm EDT

We had rain soft installed when we purchased our home 2 years ago. We were excited to hear that the shower door would not have water spots and that the calcium buildup around the sinks would not be there let alone the rings in the toilets. Well, the shower door has terrible water spots that CLR won't even remove. I am a clean freak so it's not due to not cleaning the doors. I have had to use a form of sand paper to get the rings out of the toilets and there is calcium around the faucets. We called rain soft to ask them to come and test the water again. Of course it was time for a service and they would not come unless we wanted the service for $80.00. My boyfriend told them then come get the system it has not done what was promised. They told us to basically it was to bad, there was nothing they could do. I will NEVER trust Rain Soft or purchase from them again due to the rudeness on the phone and their lack of even wanting to try to help. I don't think it was to much to ask them to come test the water in the Kitchen and bathrooms, but no, not unless we were going to pay the service fee. Oh not to mention the one under the sink already has a huge leak and they will not come repair it unless we pay the service fee. We have not used it for about 1.5 years but my God, we have to pay the bill. I am one discouraged owner. If they would have just sent someone out to test the water, assured me that it was working properly I would have not had a problem having them come back to provide the service. I would have trusted them and their product . There is no customer service or satisfaction in our area.

A very disappointed customer that's not afraid to sign her name. Christene Brown in Porterville California.

Cheryl and Scott Cameron
Lake City, US
Oct 13, 2009 10:56 am EDT

My husband and I bought the rainsoft system 3 years ago and have had nothing but problems, we have had them out several times, and the system will work for a month or 2 then something else goes wrong. Every time they come out they want to blame uis for the problem. we were told this thing would be just about maintance free, HA HA, we are contantly adding bleach, salt and draining etc...NOT to mention they charge 100.00 everytime they come out and we can't afford it because we are still paying on this stupid thing. we are not rich but because of the storms we had a few years ago our well water turned dark and had a bad smell and taste, it also stained our clothes. we had to do something..they told us all kinds of promises and told us (which is why we were sold on the product) that it was guaranteed for LIFE. BULLSH! this thing is nothing but a NIGHTMARE!BEWARE DO NOT BUY THIS SYSTEM if your not happy you have no way out, , , THE FINANCE papers you sign put your home up as collateral, we did not know this it did not stte this in contract, its the type of form they use that automatically allows them to attach to your home. YOU ARE SKREWED if you try to withhold payment.

Jax, US
Sep 25, 2009 1:10 pm EDT

Please... If you email also comment here. Do not just send a comment to RainSoft. They are horrendus (just like the spelling). I just called to cancel the next morning and was transferred around. Finally I got a call back from the area manager on his cellphone while he was driving. What if I can get you a used one, ours has 1 inch pipes. yadda yadda... Aweful.
Funny, a previous poster mentioned the call to the boss for america rewards. Same here! They even use your phone to make calls when they have cells in their car. Guess it's to record caller id and location data. I have a local guy here installing a Clack WC-1 48k for $900. Way better than rainsoft and any person I call can service it. I can even get parts online and do it myself.

Elk Grove Village, US
Aug 25, 2009 11:22 am EDT

Good Morning!

My name is Mark Vance. I am the Chief Marketing Officer at Aquion Water Treatment Products, the parent company of RainSoft. I have read the posts on complaintsboard regarding the challenges that some customers have had with some of our authorized dealers. As with any organization as large as ours, there are bound to be opportunities to improve. We're dedicated to working with our dealers to improve the level of service they provide to their customers. We do not wish to ignore the legitimate issues raised here. We are committed to answering each and every issue proactively and productively. I invite anyone to let us know when you have a concern or comment. Please contact us at comments @ (Just remove the spaces.)


Mark A. Vance

Bushnell, US
Jun 26, 2009 4:07 pm EDT

I just moved into a new house, and all I did was fill out a Walgreen's survey card stating we would get a $25.00 gift certificate to Walgreen's for filling out the survey. So, I filled it out and sent it in. We then got a call saying that we had to let someone come in and test our water (No mention whatsoever of the Rainsoft Company). They made it sound like they were just gathering data. My husband got the call or else I would have told them no. Anyway, we were told it would take about an hour and that we both needed to be home because they had had problems in the past with testers being physically assaulted by husbands or some dumb crap. So the guy showed up a half hour late, however he did call and tell us he was running late. You could tell right away it was a sales pitch, but we let him go on about his testing, etc. He did come off as fairly funny and fun, still a salesman, but it wasn't completely boring. That is, of course, until the demo was over and the money talk started. He gave us the initial price and we said, no way, then he said, "Well with this special program...", we still declined. He then started talking about the soaps etc. etc. At this point it was well into 2hrs.(only supposed to be 1) and we DID have somewhere we needed to go before we put our daughter to bed. We apologized for cutting him short but that we really needed to have left an hour ago and we were just not interested. At this point the said, "What if I had a system in my car?". I had to step in at this point, because my husband was obviously ready to hurt the man. He finally left, but I was VERY VERY unhappy with the experience, especially because I NEVER signed up for a sales pitch or a 2hr. jerk-off show! Regardless of how the system works or doesn't work. Any company that would put people like that out to sell their products doesn't deserve my business. I can't imagine that this guy was just a bad apple. He seemed VERY well trained in how to make you feel bad about the fact that you are giving your children bad water, stupid for wasting money and down right rude when you did not wat to purchase a $10, 000 item which is obviously marked up 6500%

Orlando, US
Apr 09, 2009 1:28 pm EDT

Rainsoft is a total scam. I wish I would have researched them better before I purchased. The only people I have heard say positive things about them work for them. I do not know a person with one of thier products that does not have a horror story. My unit only worked for a few years then it stopped cleaning itself. I called the dealer that sold me the unit and was basically told that the "Lifetime Warrenty" that thier salesmen go on about is totally worthless. "Warrenty" repair is $80 an hour plus parts! How is that a warrenty? You pay top dollar thinking you will be taken care of, but you get shafted in the end. I found this site looking for information on how to repair mine myself (diagrams, something) as I am sick of dealing with Rainsoft trying to get them to honor thier warrenty. I know I can get a lawyer, sue them and win but I would pay more for the lawyers than the filter is worth. I am sure thier whole business model revolves around everyone thinking the same way I do. Any law firms out there interested in a class action lawsuit? I would certainly sign up and from what my friend Mr. Google is telling me, so would a lot of others.

John S
, US
Apr 03, 2009 5:49 pm EDT

We purchased our Rainsoft softner 8yrs ago for $3600. We were leary about paying that much, but we were young and just had our first child (sales paerson used this to their advantage). Unit worked well for first 5 yrs then the piston and motor started going out. We just replaced the unit today (have had to replace the motor and piston 3 times in the last year) with a better unit form a different manufacturer for only $1000. I don't believe the unit was worth $3600. You should not have to pay more than $1500 for a good system. By the way the company that sold us the unit went out of business a year after they sold us the unit (feds investigated them for fraud and illegal business procedures).

Tom NC
Wendell, US
Feb 20, 2009 2:33 pm EST
Verified customer This comment was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We bought a Rainsoft system about 2 years ago. I can't give it a glowing recommendation, but it worked fine.
We got several boxes of soap/cleaning concentrated products to go with it, and 12 bags of salt to go with it for
giving referrals. We would get rust stains in the toilets before the system was installed, and afterwards, it takes
longer for them to accumulate, and they aren't as pronounced, but they aren't gone by any means.

The salesperson was really nice, came in with the water test premise, and there was a pitch, but no pressure.
The pressure came afterwards, when we were called by the local distributor as a follow-up. It wasn't over the
top, he cut the price down a bit, and we bought it.

She promised all kinds of 'miracle' things from this water, and it sounded over the top, and was. Not that any of
that sold us, but it did sound good.

But I've kept salt in the tank, and I can say that there have been benefits to having the system, and nothing terrible
came to pass from this purchase. Maybe this was just an issue with the local distributor? I find it hard to fault RainSoft
in general from this experience, but I had a neutral-to-good experience, so maybe that taints my position.

West Chester, US
Feb 20, 2009 2:02 pm EST

I can not comment on the product itself, but I can on the sales tactics. I searched the web, the night after the sale and my experience was the same as others. A couple of things stand out. 1. He never used or wrote down his first name.
2. When asked if he has a business card, he had them but had notes written on the back of them so he could not give them away.
3. When signing paperwork, he handed all copies over, but after we signed the "right to cancel" notification with cancel directions, he put that in his pile. We had to ask for it back.
4. He keep saying "we are always in control and can cancel at anytime".
5. Installation was scheduled for the next morning.
6. He was at our house for 4 hours until 11:30pm
7. When I called the office to cancel, they said I need to talk to the General Mgr (took name & phone number), never called back
8. Canceled the morning before install, was told by sales rep (he called on behave of installer) to follow directions to cancel (which is 3 days required by law)

I was basically lied to, where everything was stated as being able cancel at anytime with no further financial obligation. I directly asked this question several times.

If you do cancel, you have 3 business days and it must be in writing. Be sure to use certified mail and a return receipt. This is the only evidence of having sent a written cancellation. I contacted Home Depot with no response.

I recommend getting everything in writing if using Rainsoft if you do purchase, but I recommend not purchasing Rainsoft.

, US
Feb 08, 2009 8:47 pm EST

Don't you people know that comment boards are full of crap! Do you honestly think that if Rainsoft was soooo horrible Home Depot would put their name on it! Honestly who has the time to post a blog 15 pages long about how Rainsoft screwed them over. I own a bed and breakfast and my system works great. It does what the rep excactly told me it would do! So all those ###s who live above their income needs to quit buying crap they cant afford. Everyone knows you pay for what you get! Sure Rainsoft is expensive but its worth every penny. But don't take my word for it or anyone on this site for that matter. Just call the BBB and Home Depot corp... and do some research on who has this product. That's what helped me make my decision cause i found out that 90% of all major hotels use Rainsoft. So unless these hotel companies are idiots i would say that Rainsofts doing something right. So if its the best for Holiday Inn and Marriott then its good for my little bed and breakfast. Hope this was helpful for those looking for a treatment system.

Dent, US
Feb 03, 2009 12:34 pm EST

We have had our RainSoft for almost 20 years now. In that time period we have had it serviced 2 times for minimal trip charges, hence the lifetime warranty. We recently talked to the manager at our local dealership about updating our system, he came out to our home free of charge, retested our water, and gave us the option of putting a new computerized head on our unit, or trading it back in for a complete new system. I was very impressed as the trade in amount was not far off of our purchase price 20 years ago. What other companys out there will even take THEIR OWN water systems back on trade after that long at any price. None that I'm aware of. Hats off to a wonderful product and exceptional service. Oh and I did ask our RainSoft rep about some of the posts on the internet. He chuckled and said we've been in business here since 1984, and have thousands of customers from our office with a satisfaction ratio of 98%. If you buy a bad cheesburger from McDonalds in California does it mean McDonalds in Minnesota is bad too? Of course it doesn't. All we can do is try and provide the best service to OUR customers that we can. Again my wife and I were very impressed and I couldn't agree with him more. I would recommend this product and our dealer to all of my closest friends and relatives. LOL actually I already have and most of them have one. 8)
Dent, MN

rainsoft letters
, US
Jan 08, 2009 3:47 pm EST

Nov 18, 2008 3:26 pm EST

We have a Rain Soft unit in our house (whole house filtration). It was installed in our house a year and a half ago. It has been great, however, it BREAKS DOWN. Twice now in this short time the timer has gone bad. The local distributor will fix the timer for $170.00 an HOUR and the corporate office does not care that the local distributor can charge this amount of money. The repair man better give me some law advice or give me a physical for that amount.

DO NOT BUY ONE unless you are prepared to pay this amount to get it fixed every 9 months or are very mechanically inclined.

Rain Soft needs to wake up, when customers are price gouged on labor repair fees, no matter how much someone likes a product, this is what happens... bad publicity travels faster than good publicity.

James C.
Oct 08, 2008 4:37 pm EDT

Rainsoft is the best water treatment product money can buy. If you don't like it, buy something less expensive. The bottom line Rainsoft uses dealerships like the auto industry. Each dealership has it's trouble. Again on and for the record. The best water treatment products money can buy = 1st place Rainsoft 2nd place Eco-water 3rd place Culligan. Lifesource honorble mention, but does not filter water as clean as the rest, does not use salt though. Calcium and Magnesium are still present with it. Enough about this. I have RainSoft! I can not even begin to explain how great it feels daily from bathing to drinking RO water. This world has it's good, bad and ugly. Choose wisely! If you expect perfection you will be disappointed with what ever water treatment system you buy. BEST OF LUCK!

Sep 21, 2008 9:43 pm EDT

the rainsoft man came to our house tonight. he was nice and courtious at first then he became annoying . all the things he showed us were interesting, but then the free water test that was supposed to be from the "city" turned out to be a sales pitch from the company. then THE FREE GIFT! we chose the gift card turned out to be a cupon book in witch you have to pay 2 dollar processing fee for every 10 dollars in coupons. when the guy was trying to pitch us we wanted the talk it over b/c were new /first home owners you know money is tight. he didnt want to hear it . it took 2 hours for the 40 minute test and a half hour of that was just us saying no and him telling us to buy it. all in all waist of time if you get a call with this go clean the garage with your spair time haha

p.s. they contact you by mail too. we got a letter saying that we have been trying to contact you for 3 weeks please call us asap there was no company name what a pain in the a$$

Edinburgh, US
Sep 21, 2008 7:08 am EDT

We bought a Rainsoft water conditioner 25 to 30 years ago and it is working fine. We love it. The company still has us on file and calls us every now and then to ask if we have any question or need any service. We moved into a newer home after we bought the unit and installed it in our garage. I have never had any rust problems and our house is so much easier to keep clean without the hard water build up. I would highly recommend this product. Sorry to hear about those who have had negative issues.

Richard Shoemake
Aug 10, 2008 8:51 pm EDT

Oh well... several months ago, I bought and swallowed the RainSoft hook. Looking back, I would think my years of experience in persuasive sales would have prepared me well. Most of the time it does. I admit that I paid too much for the system and was taken-in by the water test demo to some extent. For my defense, my wife leaned on me a little, and I'm not the best lab chemist in the world so the lab experiment water-test caught my attention.

My biggest problem was the financing. I was led to believe that with good credit, we were looking at 8% tops. A little over 30 days later (if paid in full in 30 days, no financing charges would be added. How convenient.), we received the first payment bill at 18% interest and a letter notifying us that the rate would change in 30 days to 21% compounded daily like the average credit card.

Of course, had I known the financing was going to be this ugly, we wouldn't have bought the system, or we would have paid it with a low interest Credit Card. We quickly moved to do a balance transfer. Our bank sent a check, which Aqua Finance took almost 3 weeks to "receive". During that time, I paid interest on the full amount to Aqua Finance and my bank. When they finally received the check, after we had called no less than 10 times in the last two weeks and zeroed the account, they refused to close the account over the phone. They said that they wanted a written letter or fax to close the account. No other finance company wanted more than an over-the-phone voice approval once an account was zeroed that I have dealt with. So, I just sent the fax. I'll call in a couple days, maybe I'll give them 5 solid business days to get my fax.

I'm guessing that after about a month, many phone calls, certified letters, empty account charges, minimum account charges, and probably some legal threats on my part, I'll be done with that part of the Hydra.

I really like the softener system, but their financing company has to be the absolute worst that I have ever had the horrible stupidity of doing business with. Yes chalk that up to some stupid tax. I have not paid any in a little while, it seems.

tim andrews - Happy Rainsoft C
Jun 26, 2008 5:05 pm EDT

We had just moved in our new home about a week earlier when Keith from Rainsoft stopped by to introduce himself. We thought something was wrong with the dishwasher until Keith started to talk about our water. He offered to test the water and explain what we were experiencing. My wife and I talked about it and checked with the BBB and called Keith back 2 days later to say we were ready for some good water. Your installers arrived on-time, were very professional and answered all my questions. Keith stopped back a few weeks later to say thanks and see if everything was OK. We love our water, please tell Keith.

Thank you,
Tim A.
Cinncinati, Ohio

Jun 01, 2008 9:05 pm EDT

I've read of many of the experiences families have had with RainSoft and the money and time they lost and won't get back. I'm sorry for your bad experiences. If any are considering a high quality water treatment system please email me, I can help you. I offer salt-free, non-electric systems that are eco-friendly. I offer well over a hundred different products designed to fix water. Also, I offer the best service in North Florida.



Jim Zambelli
May 09, 2008 9:40 am EDT

After paying a large amount for the unit and having it maintained every year for a sizable amount, I just recently came across my first problem with the unit. Aside from the fact that it took several calls simply to schedule a service call, because the service manager set his own hours, they stuck me with a $107 "discharge fee" in order for them to look at it.

They reset the time for regeneration and claimed they solved the problem. Two days later the problem began to reoccur, but not as sever. Again trying to contact the service manager, who was the only person authorized to schedule service calls, I was told that while I didn't have to pay the discharge fee, again, that I probably would have to pay $25 for each 15 minutes the technician was at my home.

When I stated that this was a follow-up, since the problem wasn't fixed, I was told it didn't matter.

The unit is in it's last year of it's warrantee, and it seems that they simply want to string me along until it expires.

It's been a very frustrating experience, and the problem is yet to be resolved.

A word to the wise: Research everything you can get your hands on to ensure that you're not only getting the best for the buck, but that the company you're dealing with is reputable and ethical.

In this age of the internet, it's much easier to do than it was a few years ago.

Would I recommend RainSoft products? The product might be okay, but the baggage that comes with it isn't.

Sam McCarthy
Apr 24, 2008 6:54 pm EDT

Gosh... I finally saw a lovely RainSoft saleswoman to the door after 4 hours of painful waste of time. My family thoroughly enjoyed the experiments at the beginning, but we all despaired when she began to force the deal upon us, saying that we can only get a special offer if we sign the agreement now. My wife and I like to talk things over, especially when someone wants us to make a 12000 dollar investment. As well-bought up adults we politely implied that we would consider this offer but we needed time to consider their offer and information. The more we protested, the more persistent and forceful the saleswoman became. She repeatedly shook the bottles containing the filtered water and the tap water asking us if we wanted to keep the sandy looking tap water. When I thought that my mind would actually snap ... she finally made her way to the door undoubtedly realizing that we were hopeless to brainwash.

If you see a little parcel in your mailbox asking if you want free water testing... THROW IT OUT IMMEDIATELY!

Pat Conway
Apr 17, 2008 4:18 pm EDT

I have moved into my new home about a year ago and since I live in Florida my Well Water is extemely hard. It wasn't before long I got a phone call by a lady telling me that the florida government in undertaking a study about the quality of water in residential areas and there would be a $50 gift certificate in it for me. We scheduled an appointment and the "so called" government representative came on the date agreed upon. It turned out that the representative was actually a Rainsoft sales pitch. The sales rep quickly proceeded to "test" our water.

What he didn't know was I AM A FREAKKIN LABORATORY TECHNICIAN. He proceeded to tell me about the hardness, pH, and Iron Levels in our water. Obnocious and sarcastic as I am by nature, I played out the whole spiel and asked him questions about what reagents and test equipment he used. Since he couldn't answer even 10% of my questions, I moved to something simpler. I asked him how hard my water was in ppm or grains per gallon. The only thing he could tell me was that it was "very" hard, wich is a "brilliant" remark in itself because that holds true for about the ENTIRE STATE OF FLORIDA. He finally talked money and offer me a "Deal of a lifetime". Only ca. $7500 if I took the offer now. Otherwise it would go up to a whoppin $10, 000. Upon hearing the price I refused to purchase a system, upon wich his tactics shifted from the "savings this phenomenal system would bestow upon our family" to scaring me into buying it. The first argument he had was that long term exposure to high levels of iron would lead to infertility in men. He didn't know that I have tested it prior and found the iron levels about 0.2 ppm perfeclty acceptable. He just wouldn't stop telling me about the blight I would bring upon my family in not buying this system. After that didn't work he kept calling his manager to lower the deal and put in some extras, like the cookware mentioned in comments before and of course the famous line of soaps. After about two hours later he resigned himself to the fact that I was REALLY not interested. He did leave the promised gift certificate (thank you) and left the premises.

I do now own a RainSoft system despite my prior experiences. What made the difference? I bought mine used for about $7000 less than the initial offer.

In all fairness to the other reviews I must say that it does work. For instance iron is now only detectable in traces and the hardness, after some adjusment in the salt dosage, has significantly lessened. (from over approx. 150 to 60 ppm.
Would I recommend RainSoft? Yes but not for the price they are asking.

Not Happy
Apr 04, 2008 6:50 pm EDT

Thanks Home Depot for allowing these people to use your brand to drive me crazy with their used car sales pitch. The guys actually called his boss to get approval fora coupon book to sweeten the deal. I will never get that 2 hours back and will punish Home Depot by not shopping there.

Mar 04, 2008 1:08 pm EST

I am employed by a local RainSoft dealer as a service tech and installer. I installed a system last night and the customer had told me about this site. While I was reading, i knew i was NOT going to comment.. untill i got to the last couple. First of all, Chris, I do not beleive a whole house softner can be purchased for $59.00 (or even remotely close to that) anywhere. It sounds like you may be referring to the filter under the sink. these filters do not even compare to the quality of water you will get from a RainSoft filter, same as comparing a Yugo to a BMW. As most of the other comments have stated,John Stevens included, you really do need to check your "Dealer's" credentials and not the products. I have had my system for almost 12 years but have only worked for my dealer for 7, I started working here after i stopped in to buy some replacement soap products, the soap is high quality and will last you, as long as, you follow the instructions. It would also help other people checking there investment if others would put the part of the world (yes RainSoft is world-wide) that they purchased their own system. And finally, come on, this is the "", I'm sure you will find a tremendous amount of positive feedback about RainSoft on the web, just something to keep in mind.

Feb 21, 2008 7:30 pm EST

I just have a few comments. First, the Rainsoft system itself is a good one, BUT it is way too expensive.

A whole house system can be purchased for $59 at Lowe's. I found several and it was the best of the reasonable ones. Replacement filters are $31 and only use 2 per year. Far from $7000
Rainsoft is an aweful company because it is evident in the shady practices of the salesreps.

These reps very clearly get so starry eyed at the prizes or commissions that they will steal from their own mother to get it.
I was shopping for a whole house unit and remembered an impressive demo I had seen years before and looked it up only to find this.

THANK YOU. THANK YOU every one who got ripped off and spoke up about it. You helped save someone from a costly mistake by speaking up, I assure you.

The unit is NOT WORTH thousands of dollars, but maybe a couple hundred... also, to the guy "John Stevens" above, Eczema is not likely because of your water, it's metabolic, so the water alone can help, but not cure it... clean, clear water is not only achievable with these ripoff artists.

Lastly, I remember the guy years ago stating that the carbon filter in the unit lasts a lifetime ("absolutely forever!") and it's reverse flush cleans it.

NO! That is a lie. NO filter lasts a lifetime. I would never purchase a unit that claimed a filter lasting longer than a year... carbon or not.

john burbank
Feb 16, 2008 3:16 pm EST

Bought rainsoft about 10 yrs. ago. Salesman gave a price of 5000 dollars. We refused, he finally came down to 1200. Don't agree to the initial offer..they will offer you a better deal! The instalation went fine and the system worked great for about 5 yrs. The special 24 volt transformer plug died, i found one at a salvage store and replaced it myself for ten bucks. Yesterdaya tech. came out for routine service and the regeneration unit won't run. The cheapest fix will be 700. They try to tell you your system will work great forever but they have built in obsolesence to make sure you'll be paying them forever. The quality of the softening was great the thing really does work, but somewhere down the line it WILL break down. Beware

Steve Johnson
Feb 05, 2008 11:05 am EST

I was directed to this site by someone who had a bad experience with a Rainsoft salesperson. I can see that there are a few bad sales people out there! It's just too bad for those buyers because I had a great salesperson who was patient with my very detailed questions (I did research before they came over). He was respectful and very personable.

There are many many local distributors. Each needs to stand on its own merits. You don't hear about the Rainsoft system failing, but the installations/local distributors failing. Rainsoft has a solid product.

I have had the system in my home for 2 years. We love it! We had a great installer who put it in the correct place on our property and did a professional tie-in to our existing plumbing.

Our city water was horrible. It tasted and smelled bad and forced us to use bottled water for drinking and coffee. I was sick and tired of driving to Sams 2 or 3 times a month to buy more water. Since having the system we have only purchased bottled water for trips or sporting events for the kids. Also, our skin is not dry and our plumbing fixtures stay clean without constant attention.

Sure it was expensive, but aren't most good things in life?

Susan Lewis
Feb 02, 2008 9:07 am EST

Serveral weeks ago we participated in a grand opening giveaway at our newly built "Home-Depot". Not long after that we received
a phone call mentioning the giveaway entry and that we'll receive a free water test.

An appointment was sceduled for Saturday 1pm. We were under the impression that we were dealing with "Home-Depot", test it and leave. No mentioning of "Rain Soft" sales reps showing up at our door steps for a demo of some overpriced water treatment system we've never heard of, that would take up the rest of that afternoon.

We have to admit, there is a lot to water quality and the whole demo made sense. Even though we have our own well and don't feel we have a problem with our water, the whole thing was interesting enough to wanting to look deeper into the subject.

Well, he made us an offer that would only be valid today.
"Only 135$ monthly on your Home-Depot card with 6 months interest free!.
(Yeah, right! For how long with those interest rates ?!)
The price tag was 7000$ ! (That was after all those so-called discounts he gave us. He thought he sounded so good.)
Just like these cheap sales pitches on TV:"but wait, there's more" he reached for the panic button. Now we getting all these other things for free. Cleaners worth in excess of ... , more interest free months on the credit card.
We weren't too impressed with the offer.
When I reached for my own calculator to do some calculations, that didn't sit well with him. Now he was really getting persident on getting the deal done which annoyed us even more.
He started to belittle us more or less for wanting more time for research: "I told you all you need to know, it's obvious you will have to purchase a water treatment system sooner or later. Everybody will have to have one. If you don't buy this now this deal will be off and you will have to buy it at a highter price."
I couldn't help but laugh at him.
They had arrived at 1pm and left at 4:30pm
Needless to say they left empty handed and P.O.ed

They tell you only what they want you to know. If their product and reputation is as good as they claim then why the hurry in trying to make me sign the deal right there right then.

We may eventually purchase a water treatment system.
"Rain Soft" ? No, thank you!

Jaime Loredo
Feb 01, 2008 12:50 pm EST

My wife and I agreed to allow a rep from Rain Soft to give us a free water test. The rep was a nice enough person but only had enough informaton on the product to try and make the sale. We have just bought our home and told the rep that we were interested in possibly bying the product but, needed some time. As with most new home buyers, there are expenses that need to be delt with first before buying what I call a luxury item. I told the rep that we needed some time to get our expenses in order and see if we were going to be able to make the added 150 dollar a month pmt. She was very persistant. She would call her supervisor everytime I told her that I would prefer to wait. She would come back with a counter offer to try and get me to buy. I began to become upset and felt over pressured. The rep would not let up on trying to push the product on me. This caused an argument between my wife and I and the rep continued to try and sell. This was very disrespectfull on the part of the rep. In the end, we did not buy the product. We spent three hours of our time which, we were 90% sure were were going to buy the product but, after this, I will never buy anything from a company who has to have thier reps push and push to sell the product.

robert brooks
Feb 01, 2008 8:38 am EST

Wow, yours is worse then mine. The rainsoft did install mine but it don't even work. Their reverse osmosis? It's worse it clog my ice maker and my refrigerator water is clogged also. Their promise of year supply of soap. It never lasted for a month. So I decided to look for the company, they are crook,lier and cheater. Get my softner right. That's all I ask or give my money back.

Angry Customer
Robert Brooks

Timothy Zimmer
Jan 23, 2008 7:43 pm EST

I have had a Rain soft system for @ 9 years. As far as I can tell it has worked fairly well. Today I had it serviced as I do yearly and was informed that my carbon filter has disintegrated and some other part is bad and it could cost up to $1000 to fix or replace it and replace my Multi-pure undersink water filter for around $4000. My lifetime warranties and manufacturers literature does not mention any replaceable filters on the unit or the need to do so. Nor does anything mention a normal lifespan of the unit. I may be an idiot but I thought lifetime warranty referred to my life time not my grandfathers. Oh sorry he died in 1998. Interesting enough no one servicing my system in the last eight services mentioned the possibility of repacing filters to preserve the good working condition of my system. So end all shouldn't my warranty cover all necessary repairs? Anyone have any info I would love to hear from you.

Jeff Smith
Jan 18, 2008 1:38 pm EST

I can fully understand how these people may feel about their experience with their local product dealer. I have been marketing RainSoft products for 10 years now and wish to emphasize to anyone looking to purchase a system that the products themselves are very good products - some of the best in the business. The fact is there are close to 6 million rainsoft owners worldwide and that RainSoft sits at over a 98% customer satisfaction rating. This means there are around 5.88 million satisfied customers out there! You've just heard of 6 complaints in two years... think logically and do the math. It's just as possible to have one unit with a defect as it is to purchase a car with one. In either instance, the corporate offices will do anything they can to resolve it.
When looking into purchasing water treatment, my best advice to anyone is to look up the dealership's credentials - the company that sells the product in your area. Just as Ford has hundreds of dealerships, so does RainSoft. Check out with the local BBB to see if there are any complaints for your area. The reason being is Rainsoft truly has the best warranties in the business, but you need to make sure the person or dealership servicing it has a noticeably clean track record. Be a smart consumer.

Dec 11, 2007 2:08 pm EST



Nov 21, 2007 7:08 pm EST

I am wondering if someone can help me out with some advise. Here is some context.

I just had a Rainsoft salesperson over tonight. We accepted for him to come under the pretence that this was a free water test. He was nice and was not pushy. We knew nothing about water testing but what he said about the water being hard and what not seemed reasonable.

The system seemed attractive to us. The only problem is that it seemed to expensive. My wife and I told him that we needed to talk it over. He said no problem. He told us that he could get us a nice no payment no interest deal for the first 6 months if we agreed to call in to confirm in two days (today is Wednesday so we would have to call Friday by 10 am). Then he had me fill out an application for credit and also one of their contracts on which he wrote that I was not agreeing to purchase until I called in to confirm. Then I signed ( I now realize that I shouldn't have). It did not take long for me and my wife to decide that we did not want to make this purchase since we can probably buy a less expensive softener that would provide the same benefit and avoid the high interest rates and extra costs.

My question is Do I have to cancel the contract I signed (of course within their required 3 business days) or is it enough not to call to confirm that I agree to purchase since that is what the sales rep wrote on the contract?

Chris Fear
Nov 07, 2007 9:03 pm EST

When I arrived home tonight at 8:13, the RainSoft guy was waiting. We told the people calling us that we worked late every night, but they were relentless. My wife didn't arrive home until almost 9pm, and he didn't want to start without her. He was a good salesman that knew every mind-bending trick in the book. I just couldn't rationalize paying $7250.00 for a 'whole house system.' Especially paying 17% interest when my wife and I have never had to pay more than 5% interest on our home or vehicles. He was asking for about $125 a month, I can't imagine what the finance charges on that would have been. This guy kept pushing and pushing. I finally told the guy that I was offended at his tactics and that I told them from the beginning that I don't make buying decisions under false pretense of urgency. This guy just blew me off as a dick, which I may be, but I am no idiot. The products sound just fine, but I couldn't agree with anything the guy wrote down on paper. I still want a system, but not from somebody who is afraid to let me do some checking around. I told the guy that I wanted to check out their company and so I went to the computer. The guy ran downstairs when my wife told him what I was doing and he told me to go to the RainSoft website to see what customers have to say. I asked him, don't you think it is wise to get an unbiased opinion (non-company site), and he said, 'no.' What a nut job.

Tony Henderson
Nov 07, 2007 6:15 am EST

Dude screw this company and I can not believe Home Depot lets them sour there name. I filled out a card at home depot one day to get what I thought was free water testing. While I week went buy and I got a call from rain soft saying they were Home Depot and that I won a weekly drawing and that I would receive a $500 grocery gift card. So I ask the person on the phone is this some sort of scam like those stupid travel companies. She was like "oh know this gift card is straight from home depot, I assure you its legit." So I thought nothing of it and assumed she was telling the truth and scheduled the the water testing since she died over and over she was from home depot. She told me the water tester would be dressed in a home depot outfit.

They called the day before to make sure I would be home and again said they were from Home depot. So the guy shows up, no signs that he's from home depot. I thought to myself "well heck I would want to wear that dorky outfit either". He starts testing the water and saying all this dumb crap to my wife and right then and there I knew this whole thing was full of crap. We listened to his stupid speech and presentation and got down to the outrageous price and i told him no like 4 times after all the stupid crap he said he would throw into the deal. Like that free hippie soap and and cleaning supplies.

So finally the guy gives up and says, "so what did you pick for your free gift". I was like "free gift WTH, they told me i won a drawing for a $500 grocery gift card?' so come to find out it was a damn coupon book and then he acting all innocent like and said "oh i can't believe they told you that". What a peace of ****. This really pissed me off cause this guy already wasted an hour and a half of my life. Then to top it all off he asks well you can have a free vacation instead which one would you like. I said "I don't give a **** I just wanted to eat dinner and hour you wasted your time here." So he gave me both bogus gifts. This whole experience just made me so mad, I would have never thought Home Depot would let a company come in there store and trick people into getting a free water testing and then lie there ### off to the customer. I knew they would try and sell me something but I didn't think they would try all these weak ### pressure tactics.

Who ever supports this company on this board either works for these SOB's or they are extremely brained washed and deserve to get bent over and taken for there hard earned money.

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